Wednesday 8 July 2015

New TNs

Finally got round to putting the new TN pics on - white/blue and a bit of yellow/black

Sunday 10 May 2015

More adi pics added today as well as a few more on the 90s and NB pages.  Trying to add more on the feet out and about pics now the weather is getting better outdoors.

Wednesday 29 April 2015

For those of you that are into your New Balance (NBs) check out the new page - more 'being worn' pics to follow shortly
More new pics added - check out the 95s page for mates wearing the white/grey/black fades, TN page for black/greens and Blazers on the nike page

Sunday 19 April 2015

Having a major refresh with lots of new and updated pics.  New pages have been added too.  Trying to add more 'being worn' and out snd about pics to each section too.  Any specific requests for more pics of any of the pairs will be happily considered.

Tuesday 1 July 2014

New TN page added for all those that like the original Tuned Air

Sunday 29 June 2014